
Studio Rem is a multidisciplinary design studio based in Berlin, focusing on product design, interior design, and design consultancy.

Michael was trained at the University of Fine Arts in Saarbrücken, where he studied with Andreas Brandolini and Jerszey Seymour. After finishing his studies in 2009, which was followed by a lectureship at HBK Saar, he moved to Berlin in 2010 to work for the world-renowned designer Werner Aisslinger.

Right after his engagement at Studio Aisslinger, Michael founded Studio Rem in Berlin in 2012 and was directly nominated for the „Talents Award 2012“ by the German Design Council. After this, Michael was selected by A&W Magazine as „Newcomer of the Year 2016.“ This was directly followed by winning the prestigious „German Design Award 2017“ for his design of Molekyl.

A year later, Michael gained worldwide attention through his iconic design of Nebl and subsequently won the highly prestigious „Archiproducts Award 2018.“

Since then, Michael has been collaborating with companies around the globe, driven by the desire to tell stories through his products and to design objects that go beyond mere appearance and superficial design.

I´m always trying to create a thoughtfull, emotional design which impresses with smart ideas and storys, based on an empathic reflection of the basic things in life

Former Studio Interns

Josse Gregoor
Regina Fischer
Sophie Love
Marion Zirn